
“In the Name of Allah” Emblem

“In the Name of Allah” Emblem

Emblem for Scouts BSA of Muslim Faith.
“In the Name of God (Allah)” is a program that aims to help Muslim youth fulfill the first part of the Scout promise, “On my honor, I will do my duty to God.”
As a Scout grows in this program, Scout will become active in four areas of study, experience, and service.1. Islamic faith
2. Islamic practices
3. Islamic brotherhood
4. Islamic participation

A Scout may, with the approval of the religious scholar (Imam), participate in this program whether the unit is connected with a mosque or some other institution. The Imam will be the teacher and counselor as Scout advances in the “In the Name of God (Allah)” program.

“A Scout is reverent. Scout is reverent toward God. Scout is faithful in religious duties. A Scout respects the beliefs of others.

The twelfth point of the Scout Law recognizes the place of religion in your life. It reminds you that your Scouting is related to your home, to your mosque, and your school. A part of Scouting is to live a worthy religious life.

Scouting has long been recognized by Muslims as a great movement uniting the youth of the world in a bond of spiritual, moral, and physical strength. The spiritual bond, while not exemplifying one religion over another, can readily be recognized in the opening phrase of the Scout Oath: “On my honor I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country.” The religious awards provided for and established by the many faiths of the world can have only one ultimate goal, that of spiritual preparedness and tolerance.

Purpose: Helps youth fulfill the first part of the Scout Promise: “On my honor, I will do mybest to do my duty to God.”
Eligibility: Muslim Scouts who have achieved at least Second class rank or Venturers
Requirements: Muslim Scouts who have achieved at least Second class rank or Venturers
To Earn "In the name of Allah"  Emblem"  - Please download the PDF document and send it to



The requirements are out-lined in this folder and your religious scholar is your instructor and counselor as you fulfill
the requirements.
2. EXAMINATION: When you have fulfilled all of the requirements, your Scoutmaster will arrange for an examination.
3. APPLICATION FOR EMBLEM: To make final arrangements for the award, the application blank found on the last page of this book must be properly completed. It may be photocopied from the book. It must be signed by your Scoutmaster and the Scout executive of your local Scouts BSA council. Your Scoutmaster will send the completed application along with the cost of the medal $25.00 to:

Boy Scouts Of America
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
Irving Texas 75015-2079 USA

This book is your record.
4. AGE: Scouts BSA age (10 years to 18 years).
5. RANK: A Scout must be a second class Scout.
6. TIME: Each of the three parts in the program is designed to provide about two months of study and service. Hence, it will take about a year to complete the requirements for the award. How-ever, 6 months is provided as a minimum and one year as a maximum work period.
7. MOSQUE ATTENDANCE: It is assumed that you attend the Mosque regularly.
8. PRESENTATION OF AWARD: Formal presentation of this award should be made as follows:
a) By the Scoutmaster of your troop or Imam after the religious services in your institution.
b) By the Scouts BSA executive in a district roundtable meeting.
c) By the Islamic Committee of Scouting, if there is one in your area.
9. WEARING THE AWARD: The Boy Scouts of America has authorized the “IN THE NAME OF GOD (ALLAH) AWARD” for Scouts of the Islamic faith to be worn over the left breast pocket.